Contact us to book your child's trial
(07917) 348 971
to book your trial class
Photo Policy and Consent Form
1. For the protection of all students, photography and filming by parents is strictly prohibited UNLESS a verbal agreement is made in class and permission granted by all parents/carers present at that time.
2. We would at times like to post photos and videos of our classes and performances on our website, Facebook page, instagram account, leaflets, posters and advertisements. Any images of children posted on our website, Facebook page and Instagram and will NOT be identified by their name.
3. Anyone with any complaints about images posted on the website, Facebook group, Instagram and Twitter account can speak to the Principal directly and the images will be removed.
4. The taking of professional photos and filming will occur during our Bi-Annual show and rehearsals. If you do not want your child to be photographed or filmed, they will NOT be able to take part in shows. Photography or filming by audience members is strictly prohibited.
5. Group photographs do not require consent before publication.
6. If you wish to withdraw consent for your child's photograph to be used in line with our photo policy this must be done so in writing.
Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions apply to all students and parents attending our classes.
** From September 2020, we introduced Covid-19 infection prevention measures. These are in addition to our usual T&Cs. Although these preventions no longer stand, they remain listed within our usual T&Cs. **
1. Please do not attend classes if you or a member of your household has any of the following symptoms: a fever, a new continuous cough or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
2. If you or any of your family members have come into contact with COVID-19 you must inform the Principal as soon as possible.
3. Parents/carers do not enter the building. Children will be taken into the hall by their teacher and/or class assistants.
4. Each child will be required to use hand sanitiser when entering and exiting the building. There will be hand sanitiser available for your child to use. Children are also welcome to bring their own sanitiser.
5. The car park get very busy and so to ease congestion we ask when collecting your child to try and avoid parking in the car park and use Hathaway Road instead. This is a requirement for Saturday collections expect Year 4,5 & 6. Children will be brought out to parents via the door at the top of the building by Lodge lane. Parents will be required to socially distance while waiting to collect their child from this area. Please ensure you are prompt to pick up your child. Lateness could cause us problems when trying to bring the next 'bubble' of children into the hall..
6. It is NOT a requirement to wear a face mask whilst waiting to collect or drop off your child. However you are of course welcome to do so.
7. Teachers and class assistants will wear face masks/face shield when bringing children into the building. Face masks/shields will also be worn by teachers and assistants during times when it is not possible to keep the 2 metre distance.
8. Children will be kept in consistent class bubbles and will be kept socially distanced from each other throughout class, and from the teacher.
9. Floor markings will be used to mark an area in which each child may dance.
10. Each child will be given their own chair to place their belongings. We ask children refrain from any personal belongings or surplus belongings and to bring one bag only containing required dance shoes, additional uniform and a bottle of water. No food please or sharing of water bottles.
11. We are currently operating a 'no bare feet' policy. Children will need to wear ballet shoes, jazz shoes or grippy socks for Arco and Modern.
12. Children will be unable to fill their water botlte on site so will need to bring enough to last the session.
13. Children will be encourage to sanitise their hands after floor work or after sitting on the floor.
14. All touch points including door handles, chairs, toilet seats, flushes and taps will be sanitised between each bubble of children.
15. All equipment including mats, ballet barres, yoga blocks, props will be sanitised after evey use.
16. Children are encouraged to use the toilet before coming to class. No more than one child in the toilet at any one time. Children aged 6 and under will be escorted to the toilet by a class assistant. Toilet seats, taps, flushes will be sanitised between each group of children.
17. If Dance Pointe Essex are forced to close due to another lockdown, all classes will automatically be transferred onto Zoom until the end of the current paid term. We will not be able to give any refunds.
18. As Duty of Care, I give permission for any immediate medical attention to be given by the on-site first aider in case of an emergency. Staff will have a COVID first aid kit on site to include face mask, disposable gloves, hand sanitiser and apron.
19. Any person who participates in classes held by Dance Pointe Essex shall do so at their own risk.
20. Dance Pointe cannot undertake any responsibility for any money, valuables or articles of clothing left behind after classes or performances. Damage or loss of property is not the responsibility of Dance Pointe teachers or the relevant venue. Any items found will be placed in the lost property bag. Any items that are not claimed by the end of the term will be disposed of.
21. Dance Pointe does not take any responsibility for phones, tablets, ipads that are lost, stolen or damaged. All mobile phones including parents must be on silent mode. Students phones are to remain in their bags and not touched during a lesson. If a student need use their phone in case of emergency, they should ask a teacher in the class for permission.
22. All students will be offered their first week’s class as a trial costing £1.00. Once the trial has been completed fees will be charged half-termly. Parents will be sent an invoice via email and payable within the first week of term. There are no reductions or refunds for missed classes due to sickness, holidays etc. All weeks of the term need to be paid for. A £5.00 late charge will be added to any payments not made within the first week of term. Payments can be made by Bank Transfer (preferred) or correct cash in a sealed envelope. Fees will be reviewed annually.
23. It is parent's responsibility to inform the Principal if their child does not wish to continue classes with us. Parents are required to give 1/2 a terms notice.
24. On the rare occasion that the teacher is unavailable to take a scheduled class and a replacement teacher cannot be arranged, or in adverse weather conditions an alternative class or another date will be offered to make up for the lost lesson. Refunds will not be made.
25. Students cannot be entered into an examination with the ISTD until the Teacher feels they have reached the required standard.
26. Dance Pointe performs a show every 18-24 months. Show information will be sent out to all parents approximately 6-9 months in advance of the show date. Costume and Show Fees must be paid by parents in order to take part – details of costs involved will be included in the show pack. Students costumes will not be ordered until full payment has been received.
27. Dance Pointe expect all children and their parents to treat others as they would expect to be treated themselves encouraging enthusiasm and positivity. As Dance Pointe strives to be a happy environment, negative comments about other students or parents are not welcome. In the event that we consider you to be in breech of these terms & conditions or that your child is disruptive to other students or staff, teachers or venue staff, we reserve the right to exclude your child from any activity with Dance Pointe.
28. Uniform is compulsory that all children (with the exception of the under 3 years classes) are required to wear the set uniform for each class they attend. All uniform is available to order through the school. Girls are required to wear their hair in a ballet bun for class. NO jewellery must be worn in class. Failure to comply with the above will result in your child being refused entry into class.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
** NEW GDPR for COVID-19 The law on protecting personally identifiable information know as the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR), allows Public Health England to use the personal information collected by NHS Track and Trace Service. Therefore if required to do so by the NHS Track and Trace Services, Dance Pointe Essex will provide contact details of all children and adults that have ben in close contact with anyone that has tested positive for Covid-19 within the setting. **
GDPR covers personal data relating to individuals. Dance Pointe Essex is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of children’s, parents, visitors and staff personal data. The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly.
1. Dance Pointe Essex we not disclose (other than to Official Examination bodies) or sell personal data to third parties.
2. Dance Pointe Essex do not disclose personal data to other members of the School or their families.
3. Dance Pointe Essex will contact their customers via email and text to inform them of timetable changes, show information and other information relevant to that customer.
4. Emergency contact numbers should be given to use in case of an emergency contact when the first point of contact is not available.
5. All personal data is stored in a locked password protected computer database. Access to the School Email account, Website, Personal Data, Social Media Accounts and Examination Details is password protected and not available to members of the Public, members of the School and or staff. The Principal (Emma Wilson) has sole access to all this data.
6. Hard copy information is destroyed via a shredding device when the student leaves Dance Pointe Essex. All online information will also be destroyed.
7. Individual children's information is used in certain documents, such as, a weekly register, medication information and examination documentation. These documents include data such as children’s names, date of birth and emergency contact numbers.
8. Dance Pointe Essex holds personal data held visually in photographs and video clips. No names are stored with images in photo albums, displays, on the website or on Dance Pointe Essex social media sites without express permission.
Last updated: 1st August 2023